Maintenance / Repair Of Ship’s Refrigeration Systems
Tm Marine has become the main hub for marine services in TURKEY. Our services extend to all makes of equipment for all type of vessels.
Conversions : With the owing worldwide environmental concern, it is essential that refrigaration and and air-conditioning systems operate only with envirenmentally friendly refrigerants.
Converting system from R22 to ozone friendly refrigrants are among the whple package of services.
Technical Support: Technical support and free advice are offered on all matters relating to the supply and use of refrigarants, operational problems of air-conditiıning and refrigeration systems on board vessels.
Maintenance: Using our extensive experience, we can work out a total cost- effective maintenance schedule for each vessel.
- Refrigeration/Air condition Repairs
- Repair/Maintenance/ Replacement of any air conditioning or refrigeration components
- Ducking and Insulation installation
- Freon retrieval 7 conversion to modern refrigerants
- Gas detection leaks and repairs
- Engineering to solve problems or new installation
- Custom manufacture of components
- Install insulation/ electric controls/thermostast/diffursers /etc.
- Preventative maintanance services and design